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Mrs. Guetterman’s Science Class


        I am so excited to have you in my class this year. Please review the following information about my classroom.  My goal this year is for you to love science as much as I do. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I look forward to a wonderful year!


E-mail Address:


Grading Scale                           Late Assignments

90-100       A                              *Homework that is late will

80-89        B                              result in 20% reduction of the

70-79        C                              original grade.

60-69        D

59-Below    F


Classroom Rules


2. Use your manners

3. Make eye contact and listen when someone is speaking

4. Always be honest

5. We work together as a team, support each other


Discipline/Hole Punch Cards


        A punch card will be placed into your agenda.  A hole punch on  the card will be given for late/missing work, behavior, being unprepared for class, or being tardy. On the 3rd hole punch, a detention will be given.  Detentions must be signed by a parent/guardian.  If it is not signed, the student will call home.

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